Case study


Radix Primitives have significantly improved the accessibility standard in our components. We spend far less time discussing and implementing keyboard navigation, focus traps, and researching appropriate ARIA techniques for our components.

Describe the type of project you are using Radix Primitives on?

We use Radix Primitives as the base for a number of our design system components. This design system is currently used in a beta project, though the intention is to expand it's use into our core product and marketing sites. 3 developers are responsible for maintaining the design system.

In what ways have Radix Primitives helped you and your company?

Radix Primitives have significantly improved the accessibility standard in our components. We spend far less time discussing and implementing keyboard navigation, focus traps, and researching appropriate ARIA techniques for our components.

What are your thoughts on Radix developer experience?

I like that the component APIs provide a lot of flexibility, and allow us to create our own abstractions on top of the low-level Radix primitives. In our design system layer for example, we abstract away some of the options of the Context Menu. This gives us a standardised Context Menu built on top of Radix. In addition to intentionally restricting the API surface, we also apply styles to each of the Radix primitives and sub-components.

What are your thoughts on Radix docs?

The Radix documentation is really great, and made it very easy for us to get started with the library. I specifically like that numerous examples are typically given for each component, and that in-development components are marked as "coming soon".

Scott Hutcheson

Product Engineer at CodeSandbox


CodeSandbox is an online collaborative code editor that allows developers to design and create web applications.


Amsterdam, 2017

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